Weekly Update - 8 Dec 2023

Good morning friends

Attached are the words and notices for this week.  Sunday's service is our second one in advent where we will continue to reflect on Paul's encouragement to "let the message of Christ dwell in you richly".

As well as the service on Sunday, Monday evening is the Family Church Christmas party and next Friday we're holding a "Carols and Mince Pies" event in Castleton Court at 2pm.

And don't forget that we are planning on starting up some small "Community Groups" in the new year where you can gather with others in the church for encouragement, prayer, to engage with the bible and, no doubt, tea and fine pieces!   If you'd like to be part of such a group or want to find out more, let me know.

Bless you



Rev. Ian Aitken

52 Ashgrove Road West
AB16 5EE
Tel. 01224 686929


Aberdeen: Stockethill Church of Scotland
Scottish Charity Number - SC030587


Worship Materials
