Weekly Update - 8th July

Dear sisters and brothers 

You may remember that a number of years ago two of our congregation, Sharron and Sarah, spent some time in Mozambique with a mission organisation called Iris Ministries (https://www.irisglobal.org.uk/).  Iris is a large worldwide organisation which aims to help some of the poorest people in the world, support church leaders and plant churches.  It was started by Roland and Heidi Baker who are always keen to point out that they never set out to build a large organisation but simply sought to love whoever they met.  There are plenty of other examples of similar stories – such as the work done by Mother Theresa and the Missionaries of Charity.

Doing what you can with what you have to serve others has always struck me as the simplest and best way to respond to the call to love our neighbours.  Next week a small group in the church will begin a “Lunch Club” that will run one day a week throughout the summer holidays in Cairncry Centre, providing a free lunch and some fun activities for children and families in our community.  It’s not a spectacular thing, but it is a way of responding to a perceived need using what we have and doing what we can do.  Perhaps it will grow and develop, or perhaps we will have the opportunity to be a blessing on one or two specific families.  Either way, please pray for this new venture.  It is an example of how we can help each other to love our neighbours.

But there are even simpler ways that we can, as individuals, take what we have and do what we can.  There is a story in the book of Acts about a woman called Tabitha, also known as Dorcas (Acts 9:36-43).  It’s quite a dramatic story in which the apostle Peter, in the power of the Holy Spirit, brings Tabitha back to life.  Of course, such a miracle amazes people and “many believed in the Lord”. The interesting thing, however, is that Tabitha had already made a significant impact on people around her by “doing good and helping the poor”.  It seems that she enjoyed sewing and made clothes for those who couldn’t afford them.

God works in many different ways.  There are organisations like Iris Ministries and the Missionaries of Charity who serve hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world; there are things that we can do together as a church in our community to serve those we live amongst; but most importantly we are called to simply serve those around us however we can and using whatever God has given us. It is through such acts of service that often the greatest miracles are seen.

On a personal note - Sarah, myself and our family enjoyed a good break recently and are thankful for it.  If you are travelling over the summer period, I hope that you will be blessed by your time away.  Things can seem to slow down somewhat during the summer, but please be in touch if I can be of any help at all.  Of course, our services continue in Woodhill Court, Stocket Grange, and the Community Centre.  On the 31st of this month we will be baptising one of our number at the Community Centre service.  It is so very important for the Church to gather for worship, prayer, and to support one another. I would urge you to make every effort to attend either onsite or online.  Whether we see you or not, and where-ever you are, please know that we are praying for you.

With love from Sarah and myself,



Rev. Ian Aitken

52 Ashgrove Road West
AB16 5EE
Tel. 01224 686929


Aberdeen: Stockethill Church of Scotland
Scottish Charity Number - SC030587


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