Weekly Update - 12th May 2024

Dear sisters and brothers
This month’s church mailing is a bumper issue!  This is partly because I have included information relating to our church AGM which will take place after the service in Cairncry Centre on Sunday 12 May.  However, I have also included a “Psalm Worship sheet” that Sarah introduced us to at our last service.  These things are closely connected.
As Sarah explained, the Psalm Worship sheet is an introduction to a way for us to slow down and connect with God in worship and prayer.  She told us that she will often choose a portion of the psalms and slowly write it out – underlining key words as she goes, perhaps using different sized writing to emphasise different words or phrases, and even illustrating it with basic pictures and doodles.  As she quietly reads over the words she has written and pays particular attention to the words that have stood out for her, she is able to respond with her own “Psalm of Praise to God” based on those words.  She encouraged us to give it a try and produced some examples to use.  (You can see what she has to say here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmHgb7i9l2g&t=756s starting about 36 minutes in)
I often say that as a church and as individuals we are called to give God God’s proper place in our lives – which is another way of saying that we are to worship God with our whole lives and in every circumstance.  In the same service where Sarah shared her practice, I quoted from a 19th Century Scottish theologian, Marcus Dodds, who wrote, “[anyone] who omits the outward and verbal expression of regard to God will soon lose that regard itself.”    In other words, if we don’t take the time, in public worship and private prayer, to express our worship of God we will soon find that God does not take primary place in our lives.  To regularly attend worship with other Christians, if you are able, and to regularly spend time in personal devotion is not only a must for followers of Jesus but is key to living and enjoying the Christian life.
Which is why the contents of this mailing are all connected.  Financial statements and annual meetings may seem somewhat dry, but they are essential to the good ordering of our life together.  And we are called to a life together: a life in which we help one another follow Jesus, help one another love our neighbours, and together bear witness to the world of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  At the heart of such a life together is worship, or “giving God God’s proper place”.   We are called to worship together, to love and encourage one another, and to use our money, talents, time and best efforts in service of one another.
Related to all of that, I also want to let you know that Mary Currie will be re-joining the Kirk Session as a ruling elder.  Mary was ordained a number of years ago but had to step back from Session primarily for health reasons.  She will be being readmitted to the Session this Sunday: another reason to join us that day – as is the soup and sandwich lunch we will be enjoying after the meeting.
I encourage you to come to the meeting on Sunday, to attend worship regularly with others in the church and to spend time in personal worship, prayer and Bible reading.  And of course, to let me know if I can be of help in any way.

With love from Sarah and myself,



Rev. Ian Aitken

52 Ashgrove Road West
AB16 5EE
Tel. 01224 686929


Aberdeen: Stockethill Church of Scotland
Scottish Charity Number - SC030587


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